Nekodamari Kobo product information

Various detailed information is listed on the sales page, but it is organized in a catalog format so that you can check the list price, raw material information, specifications, and precautions of manufactured and sold products in a list. It is posted by category, so please check it as necessary. If you would like to check the products on sale, please see below.

Product Information Summary

Maintenance Items

We provide information on maintenance items for musical instruments, with a focus on beeswax, which is manufactured and sold by Nekodamari Kobo.

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Product Information Summary

pick up

This page provides information about the handmade pickups manufactured at Nekodamari Kobo.

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Product Info

Household goods

This page provides information related to the household goods items manufactured and sold by Nekodamari Kobo.

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Product Information Summary

Collaboration items

This page provides information on products and merchandise that have been created through collaborations between Nekodamari Kobo and various companies. Some products may not be sold by Nekodamari Kobo.

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Product Information Summary

Discontinued products

This page lists products that were manufactured and/or sold by Nekodamari Kobo that are no longer being handled, sold or manufactured.

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