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Announcement of Nekodamari Kobo's official website and EC site renewal

Nekodamari Kobo Co., Ltd. has revamped its official website and e-commerce website.

Features of the renewal

The new website will be launched and begin operation on September 1, 2023. The biggest feature of this renewal is that the brand site and EC site were previously operated separately, which was inconvenient for users, but we have improved this by integrating the brand site and EC system.

Not only is it responsive so that it can be easily viewed from a smartphone, but in terms of security , it also utilizes always-on SSL authentication and a security system that has obtained PCI DSS Level 1 and ISO27001 certification, making it an e-commerce site with a high level of security and reliability.

With this renewal, you can now read the product description and purchase any product that catches your eye right away.

Adding new features 1 Review feature

We also have a review function that allows you to send your evaluation of the product. The reviews posted will be useful information for other customers, so we hope you will use it.

Adding new features 2 Blog feature

We have also added a blog function, which we did not have before, and we plan to add various content for each category as reading material. We aim to operate the site so that when you suddenly remember something, you can find new information by stopping by.

Addition of function 3: Email newsletter function

We have added an email newsletter function for the purpose of disseminating information on reading submissions, new product releases, and campaign information.

You can register for the email newsletter by entering your email address at the bottom of the top page of our official website ( Co., Ltd. ) or by using the address you used when ordering. In the Inquiry tab at the top, there is a link to the registration form. You can unsubscribe at any time from the confirmation email, so please feel free to do so.

Addition of new function 4: Chat/message function

We have added a chat/message function as a simple inquiry form. It is not an immediate response, so it may take 1-2 business days for a reply, but it is easier to use than the inquiry form.

You will need to register your email address, but the answer will be sent to that email, so we can notify you even if you are away from the site. Please feel free to use it.

Major changes to the site

Change 1: Fragrance Description

We have also updated the product descriptions to provide more detailed explanations of the fragrances, which we were not able to fully explain before. Please check each product page for more details.

Change 2: Posting of various policies

Until now, we have posted the minimum necessary policies, such as notation based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act , but with the renewal we have established and posted various other policies.

In addition to the terms of use for our official and EC sites and our privacy policy regarding the handling of personal information , we also post community guidelines and social media policies that describe how to manage SNS, how to communicate, and how to handle social media . We hope you will take a look at them when you have time.

We may ask you to agree to our privacy policy and terms of use when using our inquiry form or EC site. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in such cases.

Change 3: How to use EC sites - Posting of usage guide

In conjunction with the renewal, we have created and posted a User Guide for Nekodamari Kobo's Direct Online Store, which summarizes how to use the EC site . If you have any questions, please check this guide, and if you have any inquiries, please contact us using the inquiry form.

Future operations

It will be a gradual rollout, but we plan to launch new products and hold campaigns from time to time. The timing has not yet been decided, but we will send you release information via email newsletters, so please register if you are interested.

This is just a rough forecast.

・Launch of new beeswax products

・New series of handmade pickups

・Disseminating media information, etc.

Thank you for your continued support.

Nekodamari Kobo Co., Ltd.

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Nekodamari Studio's beeswax wax